Saturday 5 March 2016

Accept others flaw like we want others to accept us

 Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.

 i would like to talk about "don't judge the book by its cover". i just meet someone. At first everyone thought he is gay because he kinda soft spoken to everyone included me of course. i started to be friend with him and i asked him "how he becomes like this?" i mean homo/gay. He just laugh and said, he is not both of it. He must be like that. i was damn shocked. 

He continue, he said , "i have no interest in guys or girls..all this while i compliment their looks. i try to fit in with the society because i was ugly back then and only those gay would accept me. Before if the guy or girl is handsome/pretty , i actually envy them because looks will measure the gap in almost everything. i know that you know that , this is true. with look you can succeed without lifting a finger because someone else will do it for you. Being ugly has its perks. i struggled to do almost everything , learn everything".

i just speechless after he said that. Even though not everyone who have the good looks is like that. somehow we as human shouldn't be like that. Everyone have their own beauty. why we have to isolate person just because of looks. we should be shame with ourselves as we have to realize that everything is temporary. even a good looks is given by Allah. so accept others flaw like we want others to accept us. not everything we can judge from appearance.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Some people willing to be there for you

I got sem break for almost two weeks. I went to penang to meet my best buddies there. Its been almost 3 years after i move out to kl. What i really realise that soul never changed. Agree ? Because we just grow up physically but not mentally. We keep learning. somehow when we with people we comfortable the most, we becomes our realselves . What can i say , we behave to other based on how they treat you.  Now I'm at kedah. I'm try to travel as far as i can. For now in Malaysia first,but I'm sure I'm gonna travel further next time.  Appreciate those who loves you unlimitedly .  family and friends . That the things that can make your life colourful and meaningful 

Sunday 13 December 2015

We cant keep things for a long time

I used to live with memories . Im not saying its wrong..but its not good if i live with memories for a long period time . I know its not good because i tend to appreciate what happened in past then present. We can appreciate memories but we cant live in there because what we face now is more important. Who are you with. Who are still there with you. That is the most value now . Live now. Plan for present. Learn from the past. 😊

Monday 24 August 2015

It just a bad day

Today my asthma comes back . Err. The thing that i never expect to come and its really sad as i had lost my friend. She quit uitm and her reason is family problem. I asked for more detail but she said it private. I have to respect that. I really gonna miss her as she always wait for me in every morning to go class together and always company me to eat. She such a great friend though. I will miss those memories. When i'm in uitm, It really hard for me to find someone that yo know. Like same as you or understand you ?.  I really envy with those who find  true friend when they at Uni. Congrats guys. Somehow i dont say that i dont really have best friend here. She is really short girl form my view as my height is 160 . So she just  like at my armpit. For me , to have someone really understand you like at school , impossible. For me they are my friend for life. Anis, Leto, one can replace them. So what i can say is, appreciate everyone as you never know when they will go. its hard to turn from negative side to positive. But you never know until you try. Try my best to stay positive as every moment is precious.  Even it is a bad day but its not a bad life :)   

Sunday 23 August 2015

Such A Drama

i know a lot of you have faced the same thing. ARGGHH!!. If you are not in relationship , say it. Dont make me find out. Everyone do not believe you. But i do. We are friend.  i trust on our friendship. idont really know whether you lie or not. but there is no prove to say you are right. Lying about you life? seriously dude ?. You are clever. what more you want ? if you want attention, there are many way to get it but not lying. If you leak if love, there is many way to get it. !st love yourself. Dont make poeple sympathy to you. This is not fair you know. Even thought im not knowing you quite long as i know my school mate but i trust you. Friend is not about how long you getting into someone. Friendship is about how you hold your friendship. I really appreciate my friendship as i have lost a lot. Many of them tend to say they are my bff at first , but when we had fought or miles distance, you can see how much of your friends. The older you be, the harder you will find true friends. Perhaps that right when people say that friendship is like diamond, you have to very careful to recognize it as sometimes even glass can look like diamond :)

Friday 21 August 2015

Why see langit ?

why see langit ? I see langit is when i want to feel calm . I want poeple to feel the same way. have you watched some movie where when the actor is stress or want questioning about life,  they will look up. Even though not as up as langit but you always look up when ever you stress , find new idea , even when you hold your tears. Thats why see langit is all about. its about how the life goes just like langit. always moving. Even people are not noticing it and sometime langit is dark and rain . Sometimes it sunny .For me langit is the best word to describe what life is.